Sexual Fantasy in Antisemitism

Seminar Series: Antisemitism and Racism - Comparisons and Contexts

Event Information and Booking

25th May, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Aidan Beatty, University of Pittsburgh
Free seminar for scholars: please contact for further information
Antisemitism, Christianity, Jews, National Socialism/ Nazism, Race / Racism, Ritual Murder
Germany, Ireland, Italy, UK, USA
18th century, 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, Antiquity, Medieval
Alternative Right, Anti-Catholicism, Anti-Jewish Humour, Blood libel, Circumcision, Der Stürmer, Donald Trump, Gender, Jew Bill 1753, John Creagh, Judensau, Limerick Boycott, Orientalism, Pornography, Racialization, Tacitus, Usury, White Supremacy

Antisemitism often mixes a sexualized horror regarding Jews with a specific kind of sexual titillation. Drawing on both Critical Race Theory and Porn Studies, this paper examines what these disciplines can add to the study of antisemitism, and places antisemitism within the larger history of race, gender, and sexuality. 

Aidan Beatty is a historian from Ireland and now teaches at the Honors College of the University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of Masculinity and Power in Irish Nationalism (Palgrave, 2016) and co-editor of Irish Questions and Jewish Questions: Crossovers in Culture (Syracuse University Press, 2018). His work has appeared in the Journal of Modern History, Irish Historical Studies and The Journal of Jewish Studies. 

This seminar is part of the series, ‘Antisemitism and Racism – Comparisons and Contexts’.

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